10 August 2010

Personal Sewing Time

SqueekMoo had a late nap. I should I known better than to let him catch a nap so late in the day, but he was so tired and i really wasn't in the mood to deal with a grumpy cranky little one. I think I have a mild cold.

Knowing he had a late nap, I didn't rush to put him to bed. We took out sweet time. He eat the left overs of his dinner when he ought to have already gone to sleep. I laid down with him for a while, but eventually he got tired of laying and played in his room.

I wanted to play with my sewing machine, and so I decided that if he was going to stay up he was going to have to amuse himself without me. Which is able to thankfully.

So I finished up the last of the little quilts I had pinned and ready:

I had a size extra tiny gown that had already been prepped, pleated, sewn and had the first row of smocking in. I was able to finish all the smocking on it tonight.

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