28 July 2010

Catching up!

Wow so much has happened since I last posted. Or perhaps it just feels that way.

I did finish the stillborn gown before going on holiday. It looks wonderful. I can't wait to get a few more done and donate them. The camera is charging when its down I'll post a picture.

I'm going to start making some training pants for SqueekMoo. So I've done some cloth diapering shopping. I was able to get a set of snap pliers off eBay for $19 with shipping. It probably would have been cheaper to do a bundle deal of snaps and pliers, but I haven't picked out fabric yet so I didn't want to limit my fabric with snap color choice issues.

I'm going to be rearranging the crafting area soon, so there may be a lag in craftiness. I want to have a more efficient work area.

The to do list for the week is said rearranging, but I'm hoping to work on some charity quilting and smocking.

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