17 June 2010

Outer Shell Done

please forgive any typos, Mr T has decided to fall sleep on my lap after I started typing on the laptop. My left hand is free but my right arm is trapped under his forehead.

As the previous post I was able to make some head way with the bag again once I recalled how to tame slippery fabric. I'll not be able to work on the lining sine I haven't any paper big enough to cut the nylon pieces.

Here are the lovely peices I cut from my tutorial. Along with the pocket I finished earlier, the handles (those were a pain, I'll have to remember to do them my preferred way instead of the economical), and the peice the nylon will be sewn to:

Sew the handles to the blue fabric. French seam the flue to the nylon.

Baste the outside pocket in place and sew a center seam and hold it up so you can peek inside the very gererous pockets

Sew the side/bottom pieces with french seams

And vola your done.

So that turned out bigger than I thought it would be. The handles can hang off a standard free with purchase umbrella stroller Would not recommend hanging a fully loaded version of the Play Date bag off a stroller like this. Can probably get two sippy cups into one of the pockets, wipes and diapers into another. The leaves two more pockets plus the main compartment for toys. Not Bad.

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