07 June 2010

Adding to the stash

Once again I'm going the wrong direction with my stash. I'm suppose to be reducing what I have... not adding to it. But we all know what with my Mother in law the notion of decreasing the stash is a joke. The Good news is MIL does most of the purchasing for me, so MacMac can't get to mad at me.

I bought myself a panels worth of Becky Kelly's Friends and Fairies. I fell in love with the darling fairies. My favorite is the one with the black haired fairy under a mushroom. Makes me want to have a little girl.

MIL bought me the wall hanging kit for South Sea Imports Toy Shop Dreams quilt. Here's the link to the project pdf. I think I'll work on this one this week... or if I'm good I'd make the solar system quilt she bought the materials for the last time she was here... here's to stash reduction!

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