17 May 2010

Slow goings

Wow I churn out the first sacque really quickly. I feel like I'm dragging my feet on this one! My goal is to have not only this one, but one more done by this weekend. I'm not sure how well that's going to turn out! oh no!

I took some progress pictures of this one. However i realized a few days later that SqueekMoo had gotten a hold of the camera prior and had put smudges all over the lens. I was able to clean off the lens, but all the pictures I took didn't come out.

This time I starched not only the fabric, but the embroidery thread and entredeux. I've marked the outline on the main fabric. Attached the ribbon trim. Marked my embroidery designs. And I'm only half way through the embroidery. I'm going to try to get at the embroidery done tonight, but we shall see.

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