22 November 2010

Fanfare for the Heroes

Since I mentioned it you can see the history of my Fanfare for the Heroes:

It started ages ago, and I was silly enough to decided to make this massive queen size quilt by hand. What silly things when we are tired.

26 Sept 2006
 MacMac the pattern book and the bulk of the fabric before going on his first deployment.

7 Dec 2006

7 Dec 2006

16 Jan 2007
16 Jan 2007

17 Jan 2007 
I got the last of the fabric for the quilt the lighter pinks and yellows. I made up a little postage stamp quilt with the scraps to let MacMac see how the colors work with each other.

14 Feb 2007

14 Feb 2007

9 July 2007

9 July 2007

9 July 2007

9 July 2007

9 July 2007

21 June 2008

21 June 2008

As you can see it gets worked in tiny bursts. I've worked on a piece here and there since 2008, but never made any full blocks and also haven't found an empty floor space to layout all I have.

Still running behind

Nothing much to report. The holidays are on there way, so we are getting nested for that.

Crafting wise I sat down and did some hand quilting on Fanfare for the heroes (an old work in progress) for perhaps 30 odd mins before SqueekMoo got to curious with my project. Other than that nothing much.

My sister is requesting another scarf, one that's longer and perhaps with fringe, if the weather is nice (as in not snowing) I'll probably go get supplies for that latter this week. 

15 November 2010

And we are back

Okay so we've been back a week or so, but it's bee very busy.

For starters, as soon as we got home we rearranged the house:
we made the smaller bedroom the main bedroom.
The Master bedroom has now become the craft nook, MacMac's office and a second play area for Squeek Moo.

We have bought new furniture from IKEA to make my nook more organized.

I've done some light sewing, getting all the my works in progress all in one spot makes me want to finish them.

Also I've started lessons planning for the new year since SqueekMoo is a sponge for learning new things.

So many fun things, I'll be posting more regularly shortly.

15 October 2010

Good Bye Petrie

Petrie has been gone a long while. My body is all back to normal. Which is something to be thankful for. It's your going to miscarried it's nice when it's a nice clean goodbye. no need for meds. no need for surgery.

We have plans for a big trip in a few weeks so I'll be gone working on packing. See you on the flip side.

12 October 2010

Hang in there Petrie

In my last entry I hinted at Petrie. Petrie is number 3 for us and we have some great hopes and dreams for this little one. Petrie is the womb name we have given this little one, I'm voting it's a little girl. Not sure why, but somehow I just feel it.

We found out about Petrie on  Saturday Oct 2nd. Petrie was named Buttons for about a day and a half, but one evening I mentioned a bit of gas felt like a little foot was pressed on my tummy. We joked about the name Little Foot and ran the gambit of all the other names from Land Before Time and decided that Petrie was the name for our little one.

But it seems Petrie is a bit of a Drama Queen. On the evening of Thursday Oct 7th I started bleeding. A call to my primary care (who I was schedule to see the following Monday to confirm the pregnancy) said to go to the ER. While there they also admitted SqueekMoo because his cold had headed to his chest and it sounded awful. Eight hours later we left, SqueekMoo didn't have pneumonia but a chest cold (nothing new for him) and I was discharged with threatened miscarriage. The pee test said I wasn't pregnant. The blood work levels are high enough to say I'm pregnant, but its not high enough to say I am very very much pregnant and not low enough to no longer be pregnant. and the ultrasound test... well lets just say a needle in a hay stack would be easier to find than tiny Petrie... the tech said my left ovary was hiding as well. fun times. I must now wait till Friday the 15th to find out more.

We were suppose to have a wonderful four day, but oh no. the tears and the pain. I try so hard to be optimistic, but something tells me that it's over. that instead of just one sweet dear angel in heaven we now have two. And it's a very hard pill to swallow. I don't suppose the fact we already told my parents we lost the baby helps this any. We had no intentions of mentioning our pregnancy till we were out of the first trimester. But my dad was meeting us for lunch on a 3 hour layover and being we were in the ER till 4am we kind of had to let him know in case we couldn't pick him up at the airport. Not to make things complicated we just said we had a miscarriage. And thus we had to tell my mother. 

But then there are moments that I'm optimistic and think that maybe, just maybe, Petrie is still in me. I still like to look at all the sewing patterns that I had mused over getting last week. I will be pregnant. and I hope so much that I still am. But it not we will try again.

04 October 2010

Finished Scarf

Hurray! The scarf is done!

It's a mistake rib chunky scarf.

03 October 2010

Wonderful Weekend

We had a splendid weekend (not weather wise), but it was so worth the happy dance we had. As you saw in prior entries I worked on the scarf for my sister. I should have that done by tomorrow if not Tuesday. i plan on giving it to my dad who has a lunch time layover with us Friday.

MacMac helped me put the cover that came with Cassie, the Uniquely You dress form, on to Cassie. We figured out the trick to doing it. It requires two people and the best place to help squish is from the sides not trying to wrap around. So have one person on the back side manning the zipper. Have the other person pushing on the sides. One in back pulls out the slack in the cover created by the foam compression and zips as far done was they can. And then scoot down and repeat.

We took measurements for the free corset drafting pattern from the Foundations Revealed website. And I got about a quarter of the way drafted with that.

The goals of the week are to finish the scarf, finished the cover I drafted to refit Cassie, and work on the corset.

We will be going on a trip in a few weeks for a few weeks, but when we get back I'll be going to the thrift store and refitting some pants with some nice stretch cotton knit in the belly area!