I figured out a way to combat the slipperiness of nylon. I think this method will also work with other slippery fabrics like satin and chiffon.
You will need your pattern, your slippery fabric, paper to go under your fabric and paper to go over your fabric.
Ideally I would have preferred to have craft paper or newspaper paper with no ink on it, but I used what I had on hand. I'll probably go to IKEA this weekend and get the paper for the child easel.
For now you can see my example of using yesterday's junk mail.
First trace your pattern on to the peice of paper that will go on top of the slippery fabric:
Next place the bottom paper down and then put the slippery paper on top of it:
Then place the piece of paper with the pattern marked out on top. Put something of weight on top to prevent any sliping around and pin the three layers together.
If it's a forgivable fabric like silk chiffon pin anywhere and everywhere. If' it's not forgivable like the nylon is pin only in the seam allowance.
The scissors in the picture are my "I don' care scissors." I cut fabric, paper, sometime tape. Scissors have feet in this house so i'm lucky to know where any are. My good fabric scissors have a happy home, but they are five years old and could use a sharpening. I like the scissors from IKEA and during back to school season you can get some for cheap.
I wont guarantee this method is 100 percent fool proof, bu it will prevent that the pattern you cut out of the material to be closer inn size/shape then if you didn't use the paper. With just the pattern and fabric it slips every which way distorting the finished piece. Good luck!
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