15 June 2010

A good stoping point

Today I started work on what I shall call The Play Date bag. Basically I've got lots a fair amount of leftovers from SqueekMoo's Quilt that I need to make something out of it. They aren't big pieces so I'll have to be creative with what I have versus what I have.

MacMac's only comment on the whole thing was that whatever I make the lining out of let it be something that liquids and be wipes off and not soak into. So I opted for some Nylon.... I am cursing him inwardly for the choice. The stuff is so slippery, I'm having a hard time cutting my pieces out. If it weren't for the darn corner curves I could make due with the rotary cutter, but alas not wanting a boxy bag I must contemplate how to work around my choice of material.

I did get the nice big gererous pockets finished today though.

 Side that will be seen.

A look at the backside of one. Wont really see it unless you are looking directly into the pocket.

Overall though its a simple bag with a nice handle. And these flaps sewn on the front and back to form pockets. I think I'll have the pockets. So that two sippy cups will fit in them. hmmms if I had thought about it I should have sew some velco in so that I could make it so things couldn't slip out... oh well perhaps on the next one I'll give it a try.

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